Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
This elegant gift box. includes three cigars, one each of the new Partagas Linea Maestras, introduced to the UK in October 2024.
These rich and aromatic cigars blend provides a new twist on the World's favourite full-flavoured Habanos brand.
This selection represents a historic step for Habanos S.A., for being the first to exclusively use tobacco from the San Luis plantations in the renowned Vuelta Abajo region of Pinar del Río. This choice of origin, called "Origen", testifies to the importance of this region in the production of high-quality tobacco.
The Maestra line is also distinguished by meticulously learned craftsmanship with traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation, resulting in the refined pleasure evoked by the term "Rito". Finally, the master craftsmen, or "Maestro" embody the passion and know how required to create masterpieces that enchant all Habano lovers.
Each cigar in the selection preserves the brand's unique character while giving a rich and diverse experience. The aromas are skilfully balanced, offering nuanced and deep notes that seduce. The aromatic complexity of cigars in the Maestra line is exceptional!
The selection includes:
The Rito cigar (6 5/8" x 52)
The Origen cigar (6 1/8" x 46)
The Maestra cigar (5 1/4"" x 46)
每个火柴盒内有 12 根雪茄火柴。
有 3 个和 5 个一包可供选择。
关于这款雪茄:这些马雷瓦 (mareva) 尺寸的雪茄 - 5 1/8 英寸 (129 毫米) x 42 环规 - 以五支一罐的形式提供,是哈伯纳斯公司 (Habanos SA) 以“Linea Retro”为名推出的两款产品中的第二款,继今年早些时候推出的 Romeo y Julieta Club Kings 之后。
复古金属锡盒的设计灵感源自 20 世纪 70 年代流行的袖珍雪茄盒,使这些新品非常便于携带且颇具时尚感。20 世纪 70 年代的原始雪茄盒如今受到世界各地收藏家的追捧,在拍卖会上拍出高价。
这些雪茄采用 Hoyo de Monterrey 经典淡味风格混合而成,采用“totalmente a mano con tripa larga”——完全手工制作,带有长填充物。制作这些雪茄所用的所有填充物、粘合剂和包装叶均采自古巴比那尔德里奥省 Vuelta Abajo 地区最好的烟草种植园。
热门 Vitola: Mareva
工厂规格: Petit Corona
环规: 42
雪茄长度: 129 毫米 / 5.08 英寸
我们很高兴为您提供一个精美的礼品盒,其中包含 Trinidad Vigia Tubos 雪茄和火柴、雪茄刀、50 毫升的 Hine Cigar Reserve XO 干邑白兰地和 Hine 干邑白兰地酒杯。
热门 Vitola: Torres
工厂 Vitola: Torres
环规: 54
雪茄长度: 110 毫米/4.3 英寸
身体: 中等的
我们很高兴为您提供一个精美的礼品盒,其中包含 Partagas E 系列 2 Tubos 雪茄和火柴、雪茄刀、50 毫升的 Hine Cigar Reserve XO 干邑白兰地和 Hine 干邑白兰地酒杯。
热门 Vitola: Duke
工厂 Vitola: Duke
环规: 54
雪茄长度: 142 毫米/5.6 英寸
身体: 中等的