每个火柴盒内有 12 根雪茄火柴。
有 3 个和 5 个一包可供选择。
烟熏香味蜡烛的灵感来自于雪茄燃烧的余烬和烟雾弥漫的房间的雾霾,由可持续蜡烛品牌 Evermore London 创造出来。
有两种尺寸可供选择: 145 克可燃烧 30 小时, 300 克可燃烧 60 小时。
这款时尚的雪茄袋非常适合运输散装哈瓦那雪茄。可选配手柄,方便顾客携带,每个雪茄袋可容纳 5 或 6 支中等尺寸的手工雪茄。数量有限。
这款时尚的雪茄袋非常适合运输散装哈瓦那雪茄。可选配手柄,方便顾客携带,每个雪茄袋可容纳 5 或 6 支中等尺寸的手工雪茄。数量有限。
这些雪茄融合了 H. Upmann 经典的淡到中度口味。锡罐盖滑开后露出五支 Mareva 尺寸的手卷雪茄。每个锡罐上都饰有醒目而精致的标志。
热门Vitola: Petit Corona
工厂规格: Marevas
环规: 42
雪茄长度: 129 毫米 / 5 1/8 英寸
About this cigar: Punch is one of the very oldest Habano brands. Don Manuel Lopez of Juan Valle & Co founded it in the mid 19th century with an eye to the booming British market where a humorous magazine of the same name was much in vogue.
A contented Mr Punch, the clown who personified the magazine, is still featured in every box, cigar in hand, and surrounded by 19th Century images of cigar making that remain virtually unchanged over a century and a half later.
In 1931 the Punch became associated with Hoyo de Monterrey and the two brands have been made in the same factory ever since. Today the factory is La Corona.
Punch's distinct medium flavour created with a blend of filler and binder tobaccos from Vuelta Abajo is available in a wide variety of sizes which are all long filler and totally hand made.
The latest addition to the Punch portfolio - presented in a retro inspired tin of 5 cigars.
Length: 129 mm
Ring Gauge: 42
Strength: Medium
Packaging: Tin of 5
一个时尚的口袋大小的锡罐,内含五支 Half Corona 雪茄,3½ 英寸(90 毫米)x 44 环径,完全由最高品质的 Vuelta Abajo 填充物和粘合剂手工制作。量身定制,让您在短短二十分钟的吸烟休息期间尽情享受。理想的圣诞礼物。
热门 Vitola: 小皇冠
工厂规格: 小皇冠
环规: 四十四
雪茄长度: 90 毫米/3.5 英寸
酒体:轻 - 中等
关于这款雪茄:蒙特克里斯托 Media Corona 是长芯手卷雪茄中最短的一款,由于环径较大,因此非常受欢迎。这款雪茄的口味是世界上最受追捧的品牌的特色,其味道只能用一种类似于浓可可或咖啡豆的浓烈苦味来形容。
热门 Vitola: Half Corona
工厂规格: 一半 电晕
环规: 44
雪茄长度: 90 毫米 / 3 1/2''
关于这款雪茄: Seleccion No.2 是一款出色的罗布图雪茄,是Lopez 家族中一颗隐藏的珍宝。No.2 适合初学者,因为它香气宜人,不太浓烈,没有肉味。然而,中级和经验丰富的吸烟者会被这款雪茄所吸引,因为它的味道和香气微妙而复杂。皮革、香草、焦糖和黑胡椒融合在一起,散发出浓郁而柔和的烟雾。限量提供礼盒。
热门 Vitola:罗布斯托
工厂规格: Robusto
环规: 50
雪茄长度: 124 毫米 / 4 7/8 英寸
关于这款雪茄:精美的双雪茄盒,内含一对 Montecristo Eagle 雪茄。EAGLE 是该家族广受欢迎的 Robusto 雪茄,也被称为 Geniales。这是一款双带雪茄,带有经典的 Montecristo 带,并配有清新而优雅的金色印章。
热门 Vitola:罗布斯托
工厂 Vitola: Geniales
环规: 54
雪茄长度: 150 毫米 / 5 7/8''
木制礼品盒内含 6 支金字塔尺寸的雪茄(6 1/8” x 52 环规),来自五个不同的 Habanos 品牌。
- 1 支罗密欧与朱丽叶金字塔雪茄 (52 x 6 1/8")
- 1 支 Cohiba Pirámide 雪茄 (52 x 6 1/8")
- 1 支 Hoyo de Monterrey 金字塔雪茄 (52 x 6 1/8")
- 1 支蒙特克里斯托 2 号雪茄 (52 x 6 1/8")
- 1 支 Partagas E 系列 2 号雪茄 (52 x 6 1/8")
Exquisito 雪茄尺寸为 5 英寸(126 毫米)x 33 环规,是 El Laguito(Cohiba 的本土工厂)前任总监 Emilia Tamayo 最喜欢的雪茄,她也是第一位管理哈瓦那工厂的女性,原因显而易见。这些细长的雪茄充满了经典的 Cohiba 风味,具有浓郁的古巴特色。
我们很高兴为您提供一个精美的礼品盒,其中包含 Trinidad Vigia Tubos 雪茄和火柴、雪茄刀、50 毫升的 Hine Cigar Reserve XO 干邑白兰地和 Hine 干邑白兰地酒杯。
热门 Vitola: Torres
工厂 Vitola: Torres
环规: 54
雪茄长度: 110 毫米/4.3 英寸
身体: 中等的
我们很高兴为您提供一个精美的礼品盒,其中包含 Partagas E 系列 2 Tubos 雪茄和火柴、雪茄刀、50 毫升的 Hine Cigar Reserve XO 干邑白兰地和 Hine 干邑白兰地酒杯。
热门 Vitola: Duke
工厂 Vitola: Duke
环规: 54
雪茄长度: 142 毫米/5.6 英寸
身体: 中等的
温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士以喜欢罗密欧与朱丽叶雪茄和 Hine 干邑而闻名。尽管他从未尝试过这两种现代表达方式,但希望他会同意。一小时的丘吉尔式放纵。
环规: 50
雪茄长度: 124 毫米/4.9 英寸
1986 年,Bernard Hine(已故 Hine 酿酒大师兼荣誉主席)和 Nicholas Freeman(已故 Hunters & Frankau 主席)首次见面。这是他们友谊的开始,并最终促成了十年后(1996 年)Hine 雪茄珍藏 XO 干邑的诞生。
为了庆祝雪茄珍藏 XO 干邑白兰地诞生 25周年及其两位创始人之间的友谊,Hine 和 Hunters & Frankau 推出了限量版,仅在英国发售。
Eric Forget,Hine 传奇酒窖大师,将经典的 Hine 雪茄珍藏 XO 干邑白兰地 (50%) 与卓越的 1986 年大香槟年份干邑白兰地 (50%) 混合,创造出了品质卓越的干邑白兰地,且忠实于原始混合。
之所以选择 1986 年份干邑,部分原因是为了纪念两人初次见面的年份,同时也因为这款干邑白兰地口感细腻而复杂,带有上等烟草、橡木、甜香料和白桃的香气。
这款庆祝干邑仅生产了 250 瓶,每瓶均在雅纳克的 Hine House 手工装瓶。每瓶还单独手工编号。
ST Dupont - 双刀片雪茄剪和 V 型雪茄剪:双刀片雪茄剪,配有经典刀片和 V 型刀片。它是雪茄爱好者的全新完美工具。
ST Dupont Megajet 打火机:Megajet 是 St Dupont 的新款经典打火机,它将满足任何追求性能、效率和点火速度的雪茄烟民的需求。它采用简约的设计、高大的尺寸和大而扁平的火焰。
ST Dupont - 双刀片雪茄剪和 V 型雪茄剪- 170 英镑
ST Dupont - Megajet 打火机- 192 英镑
ST Dupont - Maxijet 打火机系列:这款现代系列采用人体工程学设计和纤细曲线。MaxiJet 是真正令人向往的物品,它以一系列极为时尚的颜色诱惑着人们。现代、强大的火炬火焰可在所有条件下高效照明。
ST Dupont - Maxijet 雪茄剪:新一代雪茄剪,配备弹簧装置和如剃刀般锋利的刀片,可实现始终如一的完美剪裁。无与伦比的黑色表面。
ST Dupont - Maxijet 打火机系列- 180 英镑
ST Dupont - Maxijet 雪茄剪- 155 英镑
ST Dupont - 雪茄剪 Penon Black:这款由 ST Dupont 设计的现代雪茄剪由高度抛光的铬制成,并带有黑色漆面镶嵌。雪茄剪有两端,可拉出,并具有双重机制,当推到一起时会自动滑动,让您获得干净的切割效果。雪茄剪的作用就像断头台。它切掉雪茄的帽端,让空气通过,便于吸烟。
ST Dupont - Slim 7 打火机:这款新打火机采用单火炬火焰和侧动点火,这是该公司广受欢迎的 Maxijet 和 Minijet 火炬上常见的。除了 7 毫米的微小厚度外,这款新打火机的重量仅为 45 克。
ST Dupont - 双雪茄盒:可调节的双雪茄盒,采用纹理皮革和保护盒内物品免受损坏的外壳。由雪茄配件行业领导者精心打造,不要被设计的简单性所欺骗;ST Dupont 雪茄盒是众所周知的最好的雪茄盒之一。
ST Dupont - 双雪茄盒- 200 英镑
ST Dupont - Slim 7 打火机- 195 英镑
ST Dupont - 雪茄剪 Penon 黑色- £190
Seleccion Behike 15 Aniversario is presented in a special box with each of the four cigars that make up the Linea. Each cigar is very special in the Habanos portfolio with its unique blend, which includes among the Volado, Seco and Ligero leaves, also the rare Medio Tiempo leaf from the top of the plant. Medio Tiempo leaf has the most aromas and flavours from the whole plant and not every plant grows the Medio Tiempo leaf.
Cohiba Behike is undoubtedly the ultimate expression of Habanos flavours and aromas.
All the vitolas in the Linea are made in extremely limited quantities, with an exclusive selection of filler, binder and wrapper leaves from the best tobacco plantations of San Juan y Martinez* and San Luis* in the region of Vuelta Abajo* in Pinar del Rio* Cuba*.
*(P. A. O.) Protected Appellation of Origin
Box content:
1 cigar of BHK52
Ring Gauge: 52
Cigar Length: 119 mm / 4 5/8''
1 cigar of BHK54
Ring Gauge: 54
Cigar Length: 144 mm / 5 5/8''
1 cigar of BHK56
Ring Gauge: 56
Cigar Length: 166 mm / 6 1/2''
1 cigar of BHK58
Ring Gauge: 58
Cigar Length: 178 mm / 7''
H. Upmann - Magnum 50 - Gran Reserva Cosecha 2019 - gift box of 3 cigars
The new H. Upmann Magnum 50 cigar was released during the Habanos Festival 2025. It was presented in a sample gift box with three cigars.
The H. Upmann Magnum 50 Gran Reserva Cosecha 2019 uses tobacco entirely from the 2019 harvest in the Vuelta Abajo region of Pinar del Río, Cuba’s most prized growing region. The tobacco was aged for five years, much longer than a standard H. Upmann, and the cigars are aged longer than regular production releases. Like other Gran Reserva releases, the cigars receive a special black-and-gold secondary band to denote they are not the same as a regular Mag 50.
As with past Gran Reserva releases, there will be 5,000 numbered 15-count boxes and also three-count boxes.
Popular Vitola: Double Robusto
Factory Vitola: Dobles
Ring Gauge: 50
Cigar Length: 160 mm / 6.2 inches
Body: Medium
This year (2025) marks 150 years of the venerable Romeo y Julieta brand, and there’s a new size in the line called Amantes, which is proudly emblazoned with a golden “150” in the center of its red band. The smoke is a Sobresalientes format, measuring 6 inches long by 53 ring gauge, the first time the Romeo brand has had a cigar of this size.
The Habanos Festival gift box comes with 3 cigars.
Popular Vitola: Sobresalientes
Ring Gauge: 53
Cigar Length: 153 mm / 6''
Body: Medium
This year (2025) marks 150 years of the venerable Romeo y Julieta brand, and there’s a new size in the line called Amantes, which is proudly emblazoned with a golden “150” in the center of its red band. The smoke is a Sobresalientes format, measuring 6 inches long by 53 ring gauge, the first time the Romeo brand has had a cigar of this size.
These boxes come with 5 cigars.
Popular Vitola: Sobresalientes
Ring Gauge: 53
Cigar Length: 153 mm / 6''
Body: Medium
XXV Habanos Festival Gift Set - Romeo y Julieta - Lighter (jet flame) and Cutter (double blade)
Cigar cutter and lighter set manufactured by DKI. Made of stainless steel and bronze. Torch lighter with a flame. Double blade stainless steel cigar cutter.
Measures: 13,00 x 2,50 x 13,00 cm
Weight: 0,16 kg
H. Upmann - Magnum 50 - Gran Reserva Cosecha 2019 - Habanos Festival Gift Box
The new H. Upmann Magnum 50 cigar was released during the Habanos Festival 2025. It was presented in a sample gift box with three cigars.
The H. Upmann Magnum 50 Gran Reserva Cosecha 2019 uses tobacco entirely from the 2019 harvest in the Vuelta Abajo region of Pinar del Río, Cuba’s most prized growing region. The tobacco was aged for five years, much longer than a standard H. Upmann, and the cigars are aged longer than regular production releases. Like other Gran Reserva releases, the cigars receive a special black-and-gold secondary band to denote they are not the same as a regular Mag 50.
As with past Gran Reserva releases, there will be 5,000 numbered 15-count boxes and also three-count boxes.
Popular Vitola: Double Robusto
Factory Vitola: Dobles
Ring Gauge: 50
Cigar Length: 160 mm / 6.2 inches
Body: Medium
Seleccion Behike 15 Aniversario is presented in a special box with each of the four cigars that make up the Linea. Each cigar is very special in the Habanos portfolio with its unique blend, which includes among the Volado, Seco and Ligero leaves, also the rare Medio Tiempo leaf from the top of the plant. Medio Tiempo leaf has the most aromas and flavours from the whole plant and not every plant grows the Medio Tiempo leaf.
Cohiba Behike is undoubtedly the ultimate expression of Habanos flavours and aromas.
All the vitolas in the Linea are made in extremely limited quantities, with an exclusive selection of filler, binder and wrapper leaves from the best tobacco plantations of San Juan y Martinez* and San Luis* in the region of Vuelta Abajo* in Pinar del Rio* Cuba*.
*(P. A. O.) Protected Appellation of Origin
Box content:
1 cigar of BHK52
Ring Gauge: 52
Cigar Length: 119 mm / 4 5/8''
1 cigar of BHK54
Ring Gauge: 54
Cigar Length: 144 mm / 5 5/8''
1 cigar of BHK56
Ring Gauge: 56
Cigar Length: 166 mm / 6 1/2''
1 cigar of BHK58
Ring Gauge: 58
Cigar Length: 178 mm / 7''