S.T Dupont - Ligne 2 - Partagas Linea Maestra - Limited Edition Lighte - Havana Cigar Exchange

S.T Dupont - Ligne 2 - Partagas Linea Maestra - Limited Edition Lighter

Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars

S.T. Dupont and Partagás, two names that immediately conjure a commitment to craftsmanship and excellence, unveil a memorable collaboration to mark the launch of Partagás's new premium line, Línea Maestra. This initiative represents not just the culmination of over 150 years of craftsmanship and innovation, but also a convergence of values and aspirations. Here is a detailed exploration of this unprecedented collaboration, from its genesis to its iconic pieces.

The design of this collaboration is a pure symbiosis between history and modernity. Inspired by the tobacco leaves and their network of veins, artisans have created pieces where the neo-classical blends seamlessly with modern elements. This is manifested in the engraving, lacquering, and meticulous choice of materials. The diamond-point guilloche of S.T. Dupont and the iconic gilding of Partagás add a touch of elegance to each object.

Immerse yourself in this realm where tradition and contemporary design converge, creating an extraordinary experience and timeless legacy


Packaging: Standard + metal plate; Warranty certificate; Instruction manual; Leaflet

Main material: Brass

Weight: 125 gr

Size: 62 x 37 x 11 mm

Refill: Red

Flints: Black

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