Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
In 2005, Habanos S.A. released a limited addition Ramón Allones Belicoso that was only available in the United Kingdom. This release was actually before the Edición Regional program was in effect, so while this release is essentially one of the first ERs, it is not officially labeled as one. In fact, there was almost no fanfare at all when these were released.
The U.K. distributor, Hunters & Frankau had the 5 1/2 x 52 Belicoso size made in the Ramón Allones brand specially for its market. There were an unspecified number of boxes of 25 of these cigars released and unlike almost all preceding Edición Regionals, there are no secondary bands. In fact, there is nothing at all about the cigars outward appearance that signifies it is special in any way, other than the vitola, which has never been a regular production size in the Ramón Allones marca.
Popular Vitola: Belicoso
Factory Vitola: Campanas
Ring Gauge: 52
Cigar Length: 140 mm / 5.5 inches
Body: Full