Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
Línea Maestra is a premium extension to the Partagas range in the same way Behike was for Cohiba in 2010, Línea 1935 for Montecristo in 2017 and Línea de Oro for Romeo y Julieta in 2020. It is the second addition following the introduction of the Partagas Línea Maduro in 2018, marking the second expansion to the line.
This new range consists of three unique vitolas: Origen, Rito, and Maestro. Each size is exclusive within the Habanos portfolio and features a “Cabeza Tumbada,” or “dropped head” style, often referred to as a “109,” a nod to the Partagás 109 cigars included in commemorative humidors from the past.
For the first time in both, the brand’s and Habanos, S.A.’s history, all the tobacco used in this range is sourced exclusively from the San Luis region in Pinar del Río, Cuba. This regional origin imparts a distinct aromatic complexity while maintaining the brand’s signature character and blend. The cigars are full-bodied, in line with the rest of the Partagás portfolio.
The Línea Maestra is elegantly presented in eye-catching blue lacquered boxes, each containing 20 cigars. Every cigar is adorned with a distinctive blue band showcasing the vitola's name, along with an additional foot band for a refined finish.
Popular Vitola: Origen
Factory Vitola: Origen
Ring Gauge: 46
Cigar Length: 154 mm / 6.2 inches
Body: Full
About this cigar: The factory was opened in 1845 by Don Jaime Partagas and it has been making the cigars that bear his name ever since.
A Partagas is immediately recognisable by its deep, earthly flavour. The character of its blend springs from a selection of filler and binder tobaccos grown in the Vuelta Abajo zone and chosen for their unmistakable richness of flavour and aroma.
Popular Vitola: Minuto
Factory Vitola: Minuto
Length: 110 mm 4 3/8"
Ring Gauge: 42
Body: Full
These mareva sized cigars – 5 1/8″ (129mm) x 42 ring gauge – are presented in tins of five and are the second of two products to be released by Habanos S.A under the ‘Linea Retro’ title, following on from the Romeo y Julieta Club Kings earlier in the year.
The retro metal tin, inspired by pocket cigar cases that were much in vogue in the 1970s, makes these new additions eminently portable and quite stylish. The original 1970’s cases are now much sought after by collectors around the world, fetching high prices at auction.
These cigars have been rolled to the distinct full-flavoured blend that has made Partagas such a favourite over the years and have been made “totalmente a mano con tripa larga”- totally handmade with long filler. All of the filler, binder and wrapper leaves used in making these cigars are harvested from the best tobacco-growing plantation in the Vuelta Abajo area in Pinar del Río, Cuba.
This elegant gift box. includes three cigars, one each of the new Partagas Linea Maestras, introduced to the UK in October 2024.
These rich and aromatic cigars blend provides a new twist on the World's favourite full-flavoured Habanos brand.
This selection represents a historic step for Habanos S.A., for being the first to exclusively use tobacco from the San Luis plantations in the renowned Vuelta Abajo region of Pinar del Río. This choice of origin, called "Origen", testifies to the importance of this region in the production of high-quality tobacco.
The Maestra line is also distinguished by meticulously learned craftsmanship with traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation, resulting in the refined pleasure evoked by the term "Rito". Finally, the master craftsmen, or "Maestro" embody the passion and know how required to create masterpieces that enchant all Habano lovers.
Each cigar in the selection preserves the brand's unique character while giving a rich and diverse experience. The aromas are skilfully balanced, offering nuanced and deep notes that seduce. The aromatic complexity of cigars in the Maestra line is exceptional!
The selection includes:
The Rito cigar (6 5/8" x 52)
The Origen cigar (6 1/8" x 46)
The Maestra cigar (5 1/4"" x 46)
Línea Maestra is a premium extension to the Partagas range in the same way Behike was for Cohiba in 2010, Línea 1935 for Montecristo in 2017 and Línea de Oro for Romeo y Julieta in 2020. It is the second addition following the introduction of the Partagas Línea Maduro in 2018, marking the second expansion to the line.
This new range consists of three unique vitolas: Origen, Rito, and Maestro. Each size is exclusive within the Habanos portfolio and features a “Cabeza Tumbada,” or “dropped head” style, often referred to as a “109,” a nod to the Partagás 109 cigars included in commemorative humidors from the past.
For the first time in both, the brand’s and Habanos, S.A.’s history, all the tobacco used in this range is sourced exclusively from the San Luis region in Pinar del Río, Cuba. This regional origin imparts a distinct aromatic complexity while maintaining the brand’s signature character and blend. The cigars are full-bodied, in line with the rest of the Partagás portfolio.
The Línea Maestra is elegantly presented in eye-catching blue lacquered boxes, each containing 20 cigars. Every cigar is adorned with a distinctive blue band showcasing the vitola's name, along with an additional foot band for a refined finish.
Popular Vitola: Maestro
Factory Vitola: Maestro
Ring Gauge: 56
Cigar Length: 132 mm / 5.25 inches
Body: Full