Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
About this cigar: The Diplomáticos No. 2 is a classic Cuban torpedo that sometimes flies under the radar compared to it’s more-well known siblings like the Montecristo No. 2 and H. Upmann No. 2. The Diplomáticos brand has been around since 1966 and is currently classified by Habanos S.A. as one of their “other” brands, as opposed to their “global” and “value” and “volume” brands, and has a fairly small market share. Diplomáticos are rolled with tobacco from the Vuelta Abajo region.
The original sizes in 1966 included the No. 1 through No. 5 with two additional sizes being added in 1976. The No. 2 is the only current regular production size left. Diplomáticos originally came in Semi Boite Nature (SBN) boxes with Standard dress boxes being introduced in 1975. It was originally supposed to be a more affordable version of the popular Montecristo brand, mainly targeting the French market, but eventually caught it’s own popularity.
Popular Vitola: Torpedo
Factory Vitola: Piràmides
Ring Gauge: 52
Cigar Length: 156 mm / 6 1/8"
Body: Medium to Full