Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
About this cigar: Constructed with three different filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, a Piloto Seco binder, and an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, the Davidoff Aniversario Special ‘R’ has a slightly spicy yet earthy taste that emerges from the beginning. Its balance between rich woody, earthy aromas and hearty notes of pepper, roasted nuts, and cedar make this cigar a must-have in your humidor. Davidoff Aniversario cigars enhance every part of a celebration. Try them with an aged single malt whiskey with smooth, creamy and fruit flavors, or a vintage champagne.
About this cigar: Chateau Diadem is a cigar brand crafted in the Dominican Republic where the finest tobacco meets the highest crafting standards for each cigar. More than a luxury product, a Chateau Diadem cigar is tied to moments of conviviality and celebration, or meditation and relaxation.
Conviction is an invitation to enjoy a complex and generous cigar with a richly flavoured palate of aromas that evolve throughout. This expressive smoke features notes of cocoa, coffee, earth, and nuts as the volcanic soils of Nicaragua combine with characteristically soft and creamy Dominican leaves.
Once rolled and tested for consistency and colour, each cigar is laid to rest for 6 months, allowing the tobacco to marry and evolve, before being boxed for production.
About this cigar: A formidable commander, Winston Churchill brought his imposing personality to bear on the many forces and resources over which he governed. He was a colossus of a character in every sense of the word. Nothing reflects this facet of the man better than the Toro format. Carrying the largest ring gauge in the Winston Churchill range, it is a grand cigar, from the first spicy, leathery, woody notes through the creamy, sweet influences of the Mexican binder to the final triumphant mix of flavours, courtesy of the Nicaraguan filler tobaccos from Esteli and Condegas. This is a cigar which follows in the Great Man’s footsteps and commands your attention.
About this cigar: Dominicana is the essence of Dominican. The combination of native tobaccos is as rich as the life on the island. The carefully selected Dominican filler tobaccos in combination with the Ecuadorian binder and Dominican wrapper are pleasing with notes of oak wood, leather and a deep creaminess. The 54 RG Toro is the perfect format to experience the full-bodied and vibrating blend. Flavours are beautifully balanced and pleasing the palate with the full Davidoff Dominicana taste experience.
About this cigar: The Davidoff Escurio Gran Toro Cigar is an exceptionally entertaining cigar is a journey into new stimulations and sensations. Each Escurio cigar mixes the Cubra leaves the fire of the Cuban Criollo refined and the dark Brazilian Mata Fina leaf pulsating at the heart of this original blend of tobaccos. Dominican filler tobaccos and a Habano Seed Ecuadorian wrapper add a beautiful balance to this unique cigar. From the beginning, the blend intrigues when spice meets sweet as chilli pepper plays with softer, creamy notes. This is soon complemented in the second third by flavours of oak, liquorice, fruit, salt and leather. Lastly coffee and chilli chocolate flavours arrive culminating in a finale of charming complexity. The cigar is constantly changing in flavours and triggers a new taste experience with twists and turns.