Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
About this cigars: The Wide Churchill cigars feature both the classic bands and a unique foot band, setting them apart from regular production. Since its inception in 2010, the Wide Churchill has garnered a loyal following among aficionados who appreciate the distinctive medium-bodied blend of Romeo y Julieta in a wide gauge. Flavor notes: These cigars offer a rich and nuanced medium flavour profile, characteristic of the renowned Romeo y Julieta brand.
Popular Vitola: Montesco
Factory Vitola: Montesco
Ring Gauge: 55
Cigar Length: 130 mm / 5 1/8"
Body: Medium
About this cigar: The Romeo y Julieta Línea de Oro marks the first time Habanos S.A. has created a premium-linea within Romeo y Julieta marca. It will be offered in three sizes: Dianas, Hidalgos and Nobles. Línea de Oro translates to gold line and the bands for the cigars prominently feature a gold colour.
Popular Vitola: Dianas
Factory Vitola: Dianas
Ring Gauge: 52
Cigar Length: 145 mm / 5.7 inches
Body: Medium
About this cigar: The Romeo y Julieta Línea de Oro marks the first time Habanos S.A. has created a premium-linea within Romeo y Julieta marca. It will be offered in three sizes: Dianas, Hidalgos and Nobles. Línea de Oro translates to gold line and the bands for the cigars prominently feature a gold colour.
Popular Vitola: Hidalgos
Factory Vitola: Hidalgos
Ring Gauge: 57
Cigar Length: 125 mm / 5 inches
Body: Medium
About this cigar: Presented during the Festival del Habanos 2020, the "Linea de Oro" celebrates the 145th anniversary of the Romeo y Julieta brand. The Nobles share the same vitola de galera e salida. It measures 135mm in length by 56" in ring gauge. A fat cigar with its massive and intense aromatic profile, it is able to develop an incredible amount of dense and perfumed smoke. In its smoke are hidden aromas of wood, leather, and walnut, but we also find the typical slightly floral flavor of red fruits. Completely made by hand with the best tobacco of the Veulta Abajo and available in boxes of 20 sticks only.
Popular Vitola: Pyramid
Factory Vitola: Triangulares
Ring Gauge: 56
Cigar Length: 135 mm / 5 3/8 inches
Body: Medium
About this cigar: The Romeo y Julieta mini cigarillos are small and light, perfect for those novice smokers looking to become an aficionado. Alternatively, they are a great morning smoke for the experienced cigar enthusiast. The little cigarillos differ from the usual Romeo y Julietas in that they are made by the machine as opposed to hand. This means that the bunches made from tobacco leaves are much more consistent and provide a smooth and well-burning draw. The flavours are characteristic of a larger Romeo y Julieta cigar, with sweetness and leather filling your mouth.
Romeo y Julieta Mini Cigarillos contain 10 mini cigarillos per pack