Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
S.T. Dupont and Partagás, two names that immediately conjure a commitment to craftsmanship and excellence, unveil a memorable collaboration to mark the launch of Partagás's new premium line, Línea Maestra. This initiative represents not just the culmination of over 150 years of craftsmanship and innovation, but also a convergence of values and aspirations. Here is a detailed exploration of this unprecedented collaboration, from its genesis to its iconic pieces.
The design of this collaboration is a pure symbiosis between history and modernity. Inspired by the tobacco leaves and their network of veins, artisans have created pieces where the neo-classical blends seamlessly with modern elements. This is manifested in the engraving, lacquering, and meticulous choice of materials. The diamond-point guilloche of S.T. Dupont and the iconic gilding of Partagás add a touch of elegance to each object.
Immerse yourself in this realm where tradition and contemporary design converge, creating an extraordinary experience and timeless legacy
XIKAR is one of the leading accessory brands in retail tobacco shops. XIKAR has built a solid reputation with it's innovative and cool products.
Today, XIKAR lighters and accessories are bold, uncomplicated, and masculine designs that have evolved over time. XIKAR’s wide range of cigar and pipe lighters compliment the distinguished line of cutters and accessories, and you can guarantee XIKAR will satisfy high expectations placed upon the brand… for life!
The Volta bundles XIKAR's patented technologies to deliver a high performance quad flame tabletop lighter.
The oversized push button ignition fits flush against the cylindrical metal body creating a powerful appearance.
The high tech camera aperture-inspired lid protects the quad burners, keeping debris out with a quick twist of the top lid.
As you light up your cigar, this lighter transforms from orange to yellow. With the new SIGLO table torch, you'll have a reliable companion at home, the office, or your secret hideout. At the bottom, there is a large wheel-shaped flame adjuster for effortless handling.
Dimensions (mm): 90 x 60 x 23
Buy cigar matches at Havana Cigar Exchange. These long cedar matches are perfect to light your cigar the traditional elegant way.
Each matchbox contains 12 cigar matches.
Available in packs of 3 and 5.