Davidoff - Escurio Gran Toro - Havana Cigar Exchange

Davidoff - Escurio Gran Toro

Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars

About this cigar: The Davidoff Escurio Gran Toro Cigar is an exceptionally entertaining cigar is a journey into new stimulations and sensations. Each Escurio cigar mixes the Cubra leaves the fire of the Cuban Criollo refined and the dark Brazilian Mata Fina leaf pulsating at the heart of this original blend of tobaccos. Dominican filler tobaccos and a Habano Seed Ecuadorian wrapper add a beautiful balance to this unique cigar. From the beginning, the blend intrigues when spice meets sweet as chilli pepper plays with softer, creamy notes. This is soon complemented in the second third by flavours of oak, liquorice, fruit, salt and leather. Lastly coffee and chilli chocolate flavours arrive culminating in a finale of charming complexity. The cigar is constantly changing in flavours and triggers a new taste experience with twists and turns.

FORMAT: Gran Toro
WRAPPER: Ecuadorian Havana Seed grown in Ecuador
BINDER: Brazilian Cubra
FILLER: Mata Fina and Cubra from Brazil, San Vicente, Piloto and Olor from DR
LENGTH: 5 1/2"

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