Davidoff - LE 2022 Gran Toro - Havana Cigar Exchange

Davidoff - LE 2022 Gran Toro

Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars

​About this cigar: Where Water, Fire and Earth meet is another world of pleasure. Davidoff’s range of Escurio, Nicaragua and Yamasa lines has always been an adventure in taste. Now Davidoff’s master blenders have been on a flavour expedition and have located a place where water, fire and earth meet. A spot that only they would have the imagination to seek out. Where the sweetness of Escurio, the intensity of Nicaragua and the complexity of Yamasa merge into a unique undreamed of experience. This Limited Edition will redraw the maps of taste. Tobaccos from Brazil, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua combine for the first time in a wondrous harmony. For the cigar lover this is like finding El Dorado. Touching an uncharted, rich new region of the palate. Where water, fire and earth meet. This cigar is limited to 13,500 boxes of 12 cigars.

Length: 5 1/2"
Ring Gauge: 58
Strength: Medium - Full
Packaging: 1 Single Cigar

Format: Gran Toro
Provenance: Dominican Republic
Enjoyment Time: 60 mins

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